Science Headlines
New Hampshire man is 2nd person known to be living with a pig kidney
A New Hampshire man has become the second person known to be living with a pig kidney
Santorini restricts traffic and imposes more precautionary measures against earthquakes
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has visited earthquake-struck Santorini, as the Aegean island imposed more precautionary measures amid intense seismic activity
The swarm of earthquakes shaking Santorini prompts Greece to declare an emergency
Greece has declared a state of emergency on Santorini because of the hundreds of undersea earthquakes that have shaken the resort island for nearly a week
A wedding necklace and Polish dumplings will be part of a mission to the International Space Station
What do a wedding necklace, Polish savory dumplings and a photo of Hungary’s first astronaut have in common
Telescopes spy a monster radio jet streaming from a bright and early object in the universe
Telescopes around the world have spotted a monster radio jet streaming from a quasar dating back to the first 1 billion years of the universe
How to cook the perfect boiled egg, according to science
Scientists say they’ve cracked the code for boiling the perfect egg
Scientists cook up a new recipe for the perfect boiled egg
Scientists cook up a new recipe for the perfect boiled egg
The US is freezing and La Nina usually eases warming. Earth just set another heat record anyway
The European climate service Copernicus says the world warmed to yet another monthly heat record in January, despite an abnormally chilly United States, a cooling La Nina and predictions of a slightly less hot year
AI and scientists unite to decipher old scrolls charred by the Vesuvius volcano
U.K. scientists say they have made a historic breakthrough by making the first image of the inside of a scroll carbonized by a volcanic eruption 2,000 years ago
Earthquakes keep rattling Greece's volcanic island of Santorini every few minutes
Earthquakes are still rattling Greece’s volcanic island of Santorini every few minutes as authorities bolster their emergency plans in case the hundreds of temblors in recent days are a harbinger of a larger quake to come
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